Everybody knows that we do demo reels and trailers, but did you know we also create Sizzle Reels?
The question comes to mind, what is a Sizzle Reel exactly? Think of it like this. You’re selling the sizzle so they buy the steak. The purpose of a sizzle reel is 3 fold. It’ got to expand the awareness of the viewer. It has to be engaging. And lastly it has to get your idea across. Because this type of reel is generally very short, approximately 2 minutes, you don’t have much time to promote your product or to entice your viewer to action. So who needs a Sizzle reel? One example would be a company with an ongoing project. There is a need to show what has been done thus far and to show perhaps the stockholders, what the final product will actually be, or if you’re trying to promote a product for sale. The idea is that the short video be fun with style and that the content be very creative. Obviously the message it has to communicate is the first idea to think about. From there, everything will be born and with a little luck, your project will be like a dream, coming true for you and your project. Please feel free to contact us here for more information.