Simply put, a demo reel is a short video meant to display the talents of an actor with the intention of securing future work as such.
The reel should showcase a variety of roles if possible. Mainly it should be the actor delivering a bunch of lines. Of course it has to be watchable, even entertaining because if the viewer who is hopefully in a position to hire the actor is bored or turned off, he or she will simply move on to the next demo reel. Actors are not the only people in the business who need demo reels. Directors, Cinematographers, Visual Effects Designers and Editors need them. We even cut a reel for an Art Director here at Advanced Media.
It’s a great way of saying, check me out! Look what I can do! You can show a potential client what you can do. It’s a way of showing people that you’re for real, that you’re not all talk and that you have been hired before in similar situations. You’re just the person they’ve been looking for. Also, demos can be posted to your website and you can send your potential employers a link. Many actors have more than one demo. You may need a commercial demo for getting commercial jobs. Or you may want to separate your comedy reel from your drama reel. Or you may be going out for a specific role and you just need to send a reel that showcases your talents as an action hero. Any way you look at it, these days, if you don’t have a demo reel, people in the business won’t take you seriously. If you do have a demo, and it’s good, your chances of landing a role are increased ten fold. For more information please contact us here. (323) 469-0707